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BigData for Dummies

“A course for IT professionals, students, and data enthusiasts looking to start or advance their careers in data-driven fields, as well as anyone eager to master the fundamentals”

Module One

  • Introduction to Big Data
  • Introduction to Databases
  • Relational databases
  • Description of modern RDBMS

Module Two

  • SQL Structured Query Language
  • Tools for access and manipulation
  • DataWarehouse-ing (Storage, processing)
  • Exercise (Use of SQL in databases)

Module Three

  • Exercise (ETL: extract, transform, load)
  • Exercise (Data migration and QoS)
  • Exercise (Data mining, data analysis)
  • Exercise (Visualization and representation)

Introduction to Course

Demo chapter (Relational Databases)

Who is this Course for?

The course is designed for IT professionals, students, and data enthusiasts looking to build or advance careers in data-driven fields. Whether you’re a beginner entering the field or an experienced professional expanding expertise, this course offers a comprehensive overview of Big Data technologies and techniques. It is ideal for BI professionals seeking to enhance data analysis skills, as well as students and educators eager to develop a deep understanding of Big Data concepts, theories, and applications. By the end of the course, you will be equipped with essential tools and knowledge to excel in the rapidly evolving world of Big Data