Who is this Course for?
This course is designed for IT professionals, students, and data enthusiasts looking to build or advance their careers in data-driven fields. Whether you’re a beginner entering the field or an experienced professional expanding your expertise, this course offers a comprehensive overview of Big Data technologies and techniques. It is ideal for BI professionals seeking to enhance their data analysis skills, as well as students and educators eager to develop a deep understanding of Big Data concepts, theories, and applications. By the end of the course, you will be equipped with essential tools and knowledge to excel in the rapidly evolving world of Big Data.

Demo Chapter ⤵
03 – Relational databases
In this free Demo chapter, we explore the fundamentals of Relational databases, covering key concepts such as tables, relationships, primary keys, and SQL queries. Designed to give you a solid foundation in database theory and database management, this session provides a preview of the comprehensive content to follow.
The team behind
At AI Clarify, we are diligently working to develop new and innovative modules for a variety of courses, ensuring enriched learning experiences and deeper engagement for our users

Marco Ronda

Ana Petrovic
Data Scientist

Mathew Hayes
IT Consultant

Sophie Castillo